The Incomparable
CELTA Experience

Go on a tour of the CELTA journey at IH Izmir through this video, find out more about our centre, our tutors and our trainees and discover for yourself why doing your CELTA at IH Izmir is the one and only choice!

Useful Information

Enrollment Procedure

Click on Dates & Fees. Choose a suitable date and click on “Apply” button. There, you create an account to receive an application form.


Candidates need to be over 18 years old and for non-native speakers have a CEFR-C2 or high C1 level of English.

Things to Bring

A personal laptop, 4 or 5 pens, a notebook, a hard folder to keep all the handouts you receive from your tutors.


To check if your country requires a visa to enter Turkey, please view the visa requirements here.

Cost of Living

Commute; 0-500₺ per month based on distance to the school. Food; Big Mac Menu is 185₺ for reference

Dress Code

The official dress code of IH Izmir is Smart Casual (no shorts, no flip flops). Keep in mind that it gets pretty hot during summers and pretty cold in winters.

Medical Services

As a foreigner you have access to all medical procedures here in Turkey and with private health insurance you will be able to claim the expenses from your insurance provider.

Book List

Please click to the list of recommended books in order for you to prepare for the course.

100% Online CELTA

Cambridge Assessment English is offering a uniqe opportunity for teachers who plan to take the CELTA course.
Now you can do the whole CELTA course online!

Some of the advantages of the course include:
no flights costs
no accommodation costs
no visa headaches
same CELTA certificate as the face-to-face course
an extra week of online teaching preparation
not having to step outside of your safe haven!

A Typical CELTA Day

The CELTA course daily routine timeline here at IH Izmir is like:

Teaching Practice and Observation

Six hours of observed teaching at two distinct levels, completed with detailed lesson plans, provides the opportunity to put everything you learn through input sessions, feedback sessions and experience into practice. Through eight, 45-minute lessons, trainees get the chance to build on previous lessons experience teaching a variety of lessons shapes and aims.

In addition to peer observations almost every day, trainees will have six hours of live observations of experienced teachers, in which they can see the techniques, lesson shapes and approaches in action.

Guided Lesson Planning

GLP is when you have a one on one chat with your tutor about the upcoming teaching practice session. You bounce ideas off of them get ideas for activites and justify the choices you have made.


Following each Teaching Practice session, feedback is where trainees get a chance to reflect on their lessons, receive peer feedback and have their lessons deconstructed with the help of the tutors to identify areas of strengths and action points to focus on in the upcoming teaching sessions.


32+ sessions where the theoretical concepts, teaching approaches, lesson shapes, aspect of phonology, classroom management and many other aspects are covered by the tutors. The input sessions provide the trainees with the tools needed to deliver their lessons, while providing a deeper, more focused understanding of ELT.

Free study (Assignments)

Trainees are required to complete four assignments on the course. Ranging from focusing on the learners, to language and receptive skills, to self-reflection, this part of the course is where trainees demonstrate their research, data collection and academic writing skills to produce 750-1000 word pieces of writing. Each assignment comes with a resubmission, in which the trainees will have the opportunity to work on their action points based on tutor comments.

How is CELTA assessed?

Assessment requirements

To meet the assessment requirements, candidates must attend a course and:
-Practice-teach classes of the relevant age group and size for a total of six hours.
-Observe experienced teachers teaching classes of language learners for a total of six hours, three of which may be on video.
-Maintain and submit a portfolio of all coursework including all written assignments and materials related to teaching practice.

Mode of Assessment

Assessment is continuous and integrated.
Continuous here means that assessment takes place throughout the course.
Integrated here means that both assessed components contribute to the overall grade.


How to prepare for your CELTA interview?


DELTA (Diploma in teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) is a detailed and comprehensive course that builds on the foundations of the CELTA.  You’ll need a couple of year’s experience teaching (at least) to be accepted for a DELTA course.

Module One:
This module focuses on extending and developing candidates’ knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning English in a range of contexts. This is the examined module, and is primarily theoretical.

Module Two:
This module focuses on developing awareness and expertise in the principles and professional practice of teaching English in a range of contexts.

Module Three:
You will carry out an independent investigation, leading to the design of a course programme.  It is assessed by a written dissertation.


There is a lot to consider when it comes to choosing a qualification for teaching English as a foreign language. Is it globally recognised? Will you get practical teaching experience? How long is the course? Find out why teachers choose CELTA over other TEFL/TESOL qualifications

Click here for Dates & Fees