IH Certificate in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers – Synchronous Course

The International House Certificate in teaching Younger Learners and Teenagers (IH CYLT) is an online (synchronous) teacher training course which is designed to prepare Course Participants to teach English as a foreign or an additional language to children between 2 and 16 years old.

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to introduce course participants to the principles involved in teaching Young Learners and to help them consider, evaluate and develop their own teaching skills in this area.

One of the main aims of the course is to present the content of the sessions using processes which could be suitable to be adapted to use with Very Young Learners, Young Learners and Teenagers. Activities for various skills are incorporated into the course. Course participants will be provided with an opportunity to discuss how the activity could be adapted to suit different ages/levels and linguistic focus.

Another objective of the IH CYLT is to provide opportunities for course participants to implement acquired knowledge from the input sessions. This is achieved by monitoring their progress in the classroom during the Teaching Practice lessons (TP). There are a minimum of four TP lessons which are observed by an approved IH CYLT tutor. These should be spread evenly throughout the course and be conducted at 2 different age groups and levels. The course constantly encourages reflection and evaluation as a method to develop further and this is particularly evident after course participants have been observed teaching.

The course is produced and standardised by International House World Organisation (IHWO) and moderated and assessed by both the IHWO Assessment Unit and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Successful participants will be issued with an IHWO certificate with the Cambridge English Language Assessment logo on it and the words ‘Moderated by Cambridge English Language Assessment’.

Course Components Time Requirement
20 Input Sessions

(90 minutes each)

30 hours 80% attendance
Teaching Practice

A minimum of 4 lessons at 2 different age groups and levels

3 hours 100%
Tutorials and Lesson Planning

CPs are expected to write a detailed lesson plan (including cover sheet and procedure) for each TP lesson.

Tutors are also responsible for tutorials and guidance

5 hours 100%
2 Written Assignments

Assignment 1 (Materials) Assignment 2 (Self-Evaluation)

2 hours 100%
Portfolio Tasks

CPs must complete a minimum of 7 out of 11 tasks, including 2 compulsory tasks. Only the compulsory tasks are to be included in the portfolio.

4 hours at least 7/11 tasks including 2 compulsory tasks
Observation Tasks

Experienced teacher observations (minimum 2 hours)

Peer teacher observations

DVD observations (maximum 2 hours of the overall total)

6 hours 100%

CPs must complete at least 8/13 tasks

Portfolio 100%
Total number of hours 50 hours

Input Sessions

Session Number Session Code Session Title
00 IHCYLT/00_Intro Introductory Session
01 IHCYLT/01_YLs&SLA Young Learners and Second Language Acquisition (YLs & SLA)
02 IHCYLT/02_Plan Planning for Younger Learners
03 IHCYLT/03_CM Classroom Management
04 IHCYLT/04_CI&CL Classroom Instructions and Classroom Language
05 IHCYLT/05_PL Practising Language
06 IHCYLT/06_Games Games in the YL Classroom
07 IHCYLT/07_Mats Materials
08 IHCYLT/08_Spkg Speaking
09 IHCYLT/09_Ltng Listening
10 IHCYLT/10_CNLCU Clarification of New Language and Checking Understanding
11 IHCYLLT/11_AccCT Accuracy and Correction Techniques
12 IHCYLT/12_Mthd Methods and Approaches
13 IHCYLT/13_Rdg Reading
14 IHCYLT/14_Wrtg Developing Writing Skills
15 IHCYLT/15_Focus Focus on the Learner
16 IHCYLT/16_MxdA Mixed Abilities
17 IHCYLT/17_A&O Aims and Objectives
18 IHCYLT/18_VYLs Very Young Learners
19 IHCYLT/19_Teens Teaching Adolescents
20 IHCYLT/20_P&A Progress and Assessment
21 IHCYLT/21_L1 L1 in the YL Classroom
22 IHCYLT/22_Lexis Dealing with Lexis

a. Teaching Practice

One of the major focuses of the course is being able to put the theory presented in the input sessions into practice. There are a minimum of 4 assessed teaching practice (TP) lessons amounting to at least 3 teaching hours. These should be at 2 different age groups (and preferably levels), with the average age expanding no more than 2 years e.g. 5-7 and 10-11.

There is a minimum requirement of 4 students for assessed TP lessons. TP Lessons should be spread evenly throughout the course so the CP is aware of strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement and provided with sufficient opportunities to develop their teaching skills.

b. Written Assignments and Portfolio Tasks

There are two compulsory written assignments which must reach a satisfactory standard in order to pass the course. Over the duration of the course, participants are asked to complete a variety of tasks and projects of which the 2 compulsory tasks are to be presented in the portfolio. These tasks may be integrated into the sessions or set for homework.

c. Observation Tasks

The observation tasks have been created to allow course participants to reflect further on the practice of teaching by observing experienced teachers and their peers (i.e. other course participants or fellow teachers). There is a selection of 13 different tasks, which should be completed over the period of the course and amounting to at least 6 hours of observation.


An IHWO digital certificate with the Cambridge English Language Assessment logo on it and the words ‘Moderated by Cambridge English Language Assessment’ is awarded to course participants who have completed all of the components on the IH CYLT course programme, satisfactorily completed the teaching practice, and submitted the assignments and portfolio to a satisfactory standard.


The tutor of the course is experienced in the field and approved by Cambridge English Assessment. The tutor is responsible for timetabling practice, observing participants, providing oral and written feedback, guiding participants through the input sessions and marking and assessing the written assignments and portfolio task. The tutor makes sure the requirements of the delivery of the course are met.

Time and commitment

The course lasts 16 weeks with one module per week and one Teaching Practice per month. As participants are required to provide the completion of the assignments, observations tasks and portfolio tasks, we recommend a minimum of 2-to-4 hours per week spent doing tasks.


06 Mar – 23 Jun 2023

Course Fee

• £500
• £550 GBP in 5 monthly installments

Click here for Dates & Fees